Here are some common FAQs and their answers. If the answer to your question isn’t here, please feel free to contact us and we’ll be happy to help.
How do I join?
We are currently accepting membership applications from licensed pilots. At this time we are not accepting new student pilot applications, but if you would like to be added to our waiting list please get in touch. Please click here to read more about the process for applying for membership.
How long does it take to get my Private Pilots’ Licence?
The time taken to complete the required training and achieve the standard required will vary from student to student. Many factors will affect this, for example, individual ability, regular availability, weather. The minimum hours required are 45, but in reality most individuals will do closer to 60 hours before passing their flight test.
Can I rent the aircraft for hour building?
No, we are a private club, and only fully paid up members may fly the aircraft. We do not allow hour building and have a fair usage policy in place.
I’m a commercial pilot who hasn’t flown a Single Engine Piston for years, what would be required to get back into General Aviation?
We would be delighted to assist you in returning to flying light aircraft. We have several commercial pilots amongst our members. Depending on your own personal circumstances you may need to complete our SEP course, or complete training and a Skills Test to renew your rating. Get in touch today and we’ll talk you through the process.
Do you train commercial pilots?
No, we train to Private Pilot Licence level only. We do however have many commercial pilots amongst our members.

Can an extra passenger come on my lessons?
No, this is not allowed. Only the instructor and student may occupy the aircraft during lessons.
How good does the weather have to be to go flying?
We fly VFR, or Visual Flight Rules. This means that we have to have reasonably clear conditions, having no low cloud, and reasonably good visibility, as well as the winds not being too strong. Despite our location in Ireland we do fly a lot!
Do you offer introductory lessons?
At present we are not offering introductory lessons, please keep an eye here for updates.
How much is a flying lesson in Dublin?
Please see our membership page for details of all of our charges.
How much is pilot training in Ireland?
Please see our membership page for details of all of our charges.