Introductory Flying Lessons

***Please note, that at present we are not offering introductory lessons, we apologise for any disappointment.***
What is an introductory flight?
Your flight instructor will meet you and take you through the preflight procedures and give you a short flight briefing on what to expect from you flying lesson. You will be shown around our aircraft and your instructor will explain the various control surfaces and how they work. Then it’s time to get into the aircraft, request our start up clearance from air traffic control and get under way!
During the flight you will have an opportunity to take the flight controls as your instructor guides you through some basic flight manouevers.
After the flight, your instructor will be happy to talk you through the details of joining the club and answer any questions you might have.
How much is an introductory flying lesson in Ireland?
Our Introductory Flying Lessons cost €200 for one hour, and €150 for a 40 minute lesson. These fees include a day’s membership of the club. Timings for the lessons are from when the engine starts to when engine shuts down. This will include a short time to taxi the aircraft from the parking area to the runway.
Please note that the weather needs to be suitable for the lesson. However, if it is not we will rearrange for a flying lesson on an alternative date. Also, it is not allowable to take extra passengers on introductory lessons.
Please get in touch with us here to book your Introductory Flying Lesson!